Boredom Fighters Studio Online

A groundbreaking 50-video series created in partnership with Gregery Miller from Netflix’s 'The Midnight Gospel.' This animated universe is designed to guide young people through the essentials of music production, artistry building, and project launching. The series allows users to track their progress, receive personalized feedback, and access a wealth...

Boredom Fighters 1-on-1 Youth Mentorship

The Boredom Fighters 1-on-1 Youth Mentorship program offers personalized guidance for low-income kids who have participated in our workshops. Delivered over Zoom by our expert 'Good Producers,' this mentorship program provides an opportunity for young creatives to dive deeper into their musical journey.

Boredom Fighters Instrument Garden Installation

An immersive studio space and performance platform designed for festivals and events. This unique setup allows attendees to collaborate with musicians from the festival, creating spontaneous and magical music experiences. Available in various formats, including a 10x10 pop-up booth, 12x12 gazebo, 25’ dome, or a fully-equipped music production bus with...

Music Maker’s Discovery Camp

Offering a unique opportunity for young music enthusiasts aged 8-16 to dive into the world of modern music making. Held from July 14th to 19th, this camp is designed to explore a range of activities led by professional producers. Participants will learn the basics of various instruments, experiment with sampling...

Producer Dojo: The Producer’s Path & TWD

Producer Dojo, led by renowned music producer ill.Gates, offers an incredible opportunity for aspiring music producers. Through The Producer's Path, a 90-day program, participants will engage in 12 thorough production challenges designed to make music that works. ill.Gates has perfected these challenges to help you bypass the learning curve and...

The Instrument Garden Workshop

The Instrument Garden Workshop is our flagship program, offering a dynamic 1-2 hour session designed to immerse participants in the art of music creation. Led by our 'Good Producers,' the workshop empowers groups to craft beats using both digital tools and organic sounds, record melodies on a variety of instruments,...

BeatCamp: The Camp for Young, Gifted, and Aspiring Music Producers

A specialized camp designed for young, gifted, and aspiring producers aged 8-16 who are already producing music on a laptop. Held from July 21st to 26th, this camp offers an intensive experience to dive deeper into music production. Guided by seasoned experts, participants will engage in group music production exercises,...

#NoChaser Kidz DJ Cafe

DJ Workshop introducing kids to the fundamentals of DJing, including mixing, scratching, and beat juggling. The workshop offers children access to DJing, music production, and other creative activities, fostering growth in a supportive community. Upcoming sessions in 2024 will take place on Wednesdays: Oct 2, Oct 16, Oct 30, Nov...

Album Release & Touring Strategies

The 'Album Release & Touring Strategies' program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to execute successful album releases and tours. Over 8 sessions, participants will learn how to research markets, create budgets, run advertisements, and develop a comprehensive content strategy for a 3-month campaign.

Intro To Music Marketing

The 'Intro To Music Marketing' program offers a comprehensive overview of the essential skills required to manage and market an artist project independently. Over the course of 8 sessions, participants will delve into the intricacies of creating a cohesive artist brand, from marketing strategies and public relations to website design...